

What’s next with Domino CCB licensing?

Hier findest Du die Informationen zum Vortrag von Uffe Sorensen im Rahmen der #dachnug50.


Many new developments are happening around Domino licensing to move away from former IBM license models and consolidate uniquely on the Complete Collaboration Business Edition (CCB) model. We will discuss state-of-the-art and the newest updates from HCL to completely eliminate PVU and other arcane license models. Also, to make sure there are no more sleepless nights for the Administrators, we’re introducing the DLAU You do not want to miss the discussion on how Domino is licensed going forward!


Uffe Sorensen is part of the HCL executive leadership team for Digital Solutions – focus on Domino and MXGo. The guardian of the Domino licensing and HCL progression to a modern Software business.

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