

Get up to speed today – 360° view on HCL client software for Domino

Hier findest Du die Highlights zum Vortrag von Agnes Ng & Thomas Hampel (HCL) im Rahmen der #dachnug49 am 22.06.2022 um 11:30.

Agnes Ng & Thomas Hampel

22.06.2022 / 11:30 Uhr 


Not sure which client to use in the Domino portfolio? This session is a 360-degree overview of our client portfolio. We will help you identify the client that fits your need and work style the most. Join us!


Agnes is the product manager of the Domino mail portfolio since 2020. Before joining HCL, she worked in start-ups focusing on enterprise productivity for product management and marketing. She likes traveling and exploring new stuff around the world.

Thomas Hampel is Director at HCL Product Management responsible for Domino server, Nomad clients and security. Thomas joined HCL in 2019 and previously worked at IBM as Offering Manager for Domino. At IBM Thomas held different positions in its Global Services and Software division. With his 20+ years of experience designing Notes/Domino based messaging & collaboration solutions for large customers and is now shaping the future of the product roadmap at HCL.


  • 360° view on HCL client software
  • HCL Product Manager Session
  • Identify your client of choice

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