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How do I get to Regensburg?

Here we have summarized all recommendations for your journey to #dachnug51 in Regensburg. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

How are you traveling?


Local mobility

The bus network in Regensburg is well developed and offers convenient transfers within the city.

Please note that many cab drivers in Regensburg insist on cash payment.

Traveling by


In the interests of the environment, we naturally recommend that you travel by Deutsche Bahn. Click on the button to benefit from the official DB event ticket for #dachnug51.

Your trainticket to #dachnug51

Once you arrive in Regensburg, you can walk to the marinaforum within 20 minutes.

Alternatively, you can take the bus to the bus stop “Johanna-Dachs-Strasse”, from where it is about 250 meters to the marinaforum.

If you take a cab, please note that many cab drivers insist on cash payment.

Traveling by


If you are traveling by plane, we recommend Munich Airport (MUC).

From there, there is a very regular (direct) train connection that will take you to Regensburg in just under an hour.

Once you arrive in Regensburg, you can walk to the marinaforum within 20 minutes.

Alternatively, you can take the bus to the “Johanna-Dachs-Strasse” stop, from where it is about 250 meters to the marinaforum.

If you take a cab, please note that many cab drivers insist on cash payment.

If you want to drive from Munich Airport to the marinaforum, you should definitely allow a good hour for the journey.

Traveling by


Regensburg is very easy to reach via the A3 and A93 highways (aka Autobahn). From there, you can quickly reach the city center via various exits and find various parking options there (see also “Parking”).

Do you want to know more?

We are happy to answer all your questions. Simply drop a message or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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